Build a Growing, Thriving ISSA Chapter

Thank You for Investing Your Time, Talent and Energies for the Betterment of ISSA and the Profession.

Your dedication pays off in thriving chapters, engaged members, lifelong professional connections and leadership skills. Log in for resources and materials to help you with chapter management, development and growth.

Joining the Metro Atlanta ISSA Chapter has been the best career move I have made on many fronts. As a chapter member I have expanded my network within the profession, widened my circle of influence and increased the breadth of my knowledge. As a chapter officer, I have received excellent training and experience in leadership, teaching and vendor relationships.”
Damien Suggs, Metro Atlanta

Whenever we can be of assistance, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our member services team, , +1 (703) 382-8205 (local/international).

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